
Taís de Andrade Baldini


+55 (11) 3371-5050

São Paulo

Portuguese, English and French


Taís has experience in Competition Law, assisting clients in mergers and administrative proceedings before the antitrust authority in Brazil (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Economia – Cade).

Taís is a postgraduate student in Business Economics at the São Paulo School of Economics (EESP) of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and is a participant in PITES – Parceria Internacional Triangular de Ensino Superior, an agreement between the USP Law School and the University of Lyon, with the obtainment of a French diploma of licence de droit with the course completion.

  • “Indicados para Cargos no Cade são Aprovados pela Comissão de Assuntos Econômicos do Senado”, Taís Baldini and Luiza Lopes Ardachnikoff,, 2022.
  • “Cade Publica Novo Guia de Recomendações Probatórias para Propostas de Acordo de Leniência Antitruste”, Sara Tironi and Taís Baldini,, 2021.

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