Dois anos após ter julgado prejudicados os Recursos Extraordinários que discutiam a competência para a análise de atos de concentração envolvendo instituições financeiras, o Min Dias Toffoli declarou-se impedido para avaliar os recursos subsequentemente interpostos. Assim, o processo foi redistribuído ao Ministro Gilmar Mendes, sorteado como o novo relator do caso. O STJ já tinha emitido decisão a favor do Banco Central, dando-lhe competência sobre a matéria, porém caberá ao STF dar a palavra final sobre a questão, esclarecendo controvérsia que se alastra há tempos. Vale ressaltar que existem ainda projetos de lei em tramite que visam delinear de forma clara a competência entre ambas as entidades.

03/05/2016Two years after handing down a decision dismissing appeals that discussed jurisdiction to analyze mergers involving financial institutions, Supreme Court (STF) Justice Dias Toffoli has declared himself as impeded from trying the subsequent appeals. As so, the case was redistributed to Justice Gilmar Mendes, randomly selected as the new reporting Justice. The Superior Tribunal of Justice (STJ) has already decided in favor of the Central Bank, giving them jurisdiction on the matter, but it will be up to the Supreme Court to give the final word on the issue, clarifying a controversy that has spread over many years. It is worth emphasizing that there are legislative proposals in course that aim to clearly outline jurisdiction of both entities.
