The government of Jair Bolsonaro indicated five names to join the Directing Council of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) on Thursday (10/15), in an extra edition of the Official Gazette.
The names, however, are yet to be approved by the Senate next week.
The nominees are as follows: Waldemar Gonçalves Ortunho Junior, current president of Telebras, who was appointed to the position of President, Joacil Basilio Rael and Arthur Pereira Sabbat, from the Institutional Security Office, Miriam Wimmer, Director of Telecommunications Services at the Ministry of Communications, and Nairane Farias Rabelo Leitão, the only representative from the private sector, who is a partner of a law firm. The mandates indicated were not identical, but for six, five, four, two and three years respectively. This practice is not new, and it contributes in a form so that future substitutions of the Directors not affect the progress of the body or its decision quorum.