O CADE publicou no Diário Oficial da União de 23 de dezembro de 2015 despacho instaurando Processo Administrativo para investigar “suposto cartel no mercado de serviços de engenharia, construção e montagem industrial onshore” referente ao caso “lava-jato”. O referido despacho acolhe a Nota Técnica produzida pela Superintendência-Geral, a qual alega que foram constatados indícios robustos de infração à ordem econômica. Seguindo o rito estabelecido pela autoridade antitruste, as partes investigadas serão notificadas nas próximas semanas para apresentarem defesa no prazo de 30 (trinta) dias — o qual será computado em dobro, vez que possuem advogados diferentes —, podendo indicar testemunhas; e, subsequentemente, será conduzida nova fase de instrução processual para apurar as alegações feitas pelo Superintendência-Geral do CADE.

23/12/2015CADE published in December 23rd, 2015’s Official Gazette an order opening an Administrative Procedure to investigate an “alleged cartel in the market of industrial onshore engineering, construction and assembly services” referring to the “lava-jato”/carwash case. The aforementioned order received the Technical Note prepared by the General-Superintendence which alleged that robust evidence was found pertaining to infractions to the economic order. In observation of the procedural established by the antitrust authority, the investigated parties shall be notified in the following week to present defense pleas within a term of 30 (thirty) days — which shall be doubled due to parties having different counsel —, while also being able to indicate witnesses; subsequently, a new discovery phase will be carried out to examine the allegations made by CADE’s General-Superintendence.
